Friday, June 30, 2006
Well, the week went by smoothly.
Okay... Well not so smooth.
Getting more stress.
And we thought reopening of school would better things.
My dad got his bonus pay today.
Gave me $300.
Well, remember about the bass guitar thingy?
I actually had saved up to $200 dollars.
$50 actually gonna be from the bank.
So, it's $150.
When i went to make my I/C, my dad brought my $50 for emergency.
Well, i agreed heavily ofcourse.
So, went to check my safe.
And there, where it was suppose to be $100....
Was only $20.
I was fumed up i'd tell ya.
I spent the whole holidays trying to save $10 each time.
Had to starve myself outside.
And then $80 just went off just like that.
Can't really say who used it lah...
But, you know... I was really upset.
I mean, who wouldn't.
But, at least got it back.
So, gonna buy the bass...
If can lah.
Finally could broaden my mind with a new music style.
Had band practice today.
A lot thinks Mr Ng is a bad-ass conductor.
But to me, hearing that is good.
To get someone to follow you, you also jeopardise yourself into getting hated.
So, he needs to get hated to help us improve.
He's pushing us.
Not down a cliff, but up a hill.
I don't think the rest are greatful, but i am.
And today's practice, i hear the progress of his help.
We improved slightly better.
He got us disciplined.
Well, at least that's what i think.
The brass are slightly better.
Maybe it's not in anyone's mind, but i'm looking forward to the sucess with his help.
Everyone has their good and bad.
But it's hard to have a bad that's good.
Well, right now, i'm just thinking....
Why, is it that i'm not a good little boy to people anymore?
Neighbours to be precise.
I try to make eye contact with them, and when i do, i smile.
But, the person just pretends it didn't happen and just glances off.
Wouldn't you be pissed?
Well, i am.
But that's not the point here.
I'm just curious, what makes adults get afraid to interact with teenagers?
I mean, adults that aren't teachers.
Teachers are different.
Actually, they WOULD have been similar, but experience through the years made them feel that, "Hey. Guess they aren't monsters afterall."
I mean, yes, there are a bunch of the bad ones.
But doesn't mean all of them.
So, why can't they just look at us teens normally?
Instead of like, pretending not to see us, or stare at us, indicating they have a grudge.
It really puts a question mark on my head.
We, i mean some of us, just tries to be friendly, and there they go feeling, "Oh my god! He's looking at me! With a smile!! Gotta look away!", or, "Oh no. Another teen. Better give my soul-piercing stare."
Anyways, i guess it might be my last attemp trying to help.
I mean, i just can't find the ability to help people when they need help.
Friends ARE suppose to help one another, right?
So, what's happening here?
Sometimes, i think that i'm a 15-year-old.
Who has either an overly-matured mind, or the correct understanding would be overactive mind.
I mean, take my older blog for example.
I crap and yap and smack about all kinds of things that lingers in my mind.
Like this one actually.
I think a lot.
But i fail to have the ability of one simple basic thing.
Ability to help.
At least i think so again.
A friend asking for help.
And a standard reaction would be, "what's wrong?".
But if it were me, I'd be going,
Oh my God. What should i do? Oh no oh no oh no...
And then I avoided it.
But only come a long minute after thinking what's right.
I mean, isn't is suppose to be a built-in feature?
So, i try to help.
And i yap all the things i think would help the person.
And the bad thing is, i used all the ideas i get from my mind.
Which they eventually don't even help the problem one bit.
And that is where i figure that i shouldn't try to help unless i am good at it.
So, it's hard being a good friend, it seems.
And i should seriously stop writing this much thoughts.
It's annoying even to myself that i think too much.
(7:50 AM)
Sunday, June 25, 2006
25th June 2006.
15 years of life already.
And 15 might sound like a small number.
But it has been a long journey reaching here.
And i'm only at a about quarter of my life.
Well, i don't really care about this birthday thingy...
But some of my friends took the effort to wish me.
Well, i think this is a first for me.
I mean, usually it's small number.
Haha. Touched i shall say?
Well, having a slight fever.
Told ya.
Out of all days, today.
I mean, i don't care having it on my birthday.
But i'm having it on the LAST DAY OF THE HOLIDAYS!!
And i need to rush!!
My head's having the I-have-a-1-tonne-weight-in-my-head feeling.
And my mind has the there's-a-traffic-jam-in-the-brain-cells feeling.
And last but not least, my body has the I'm-feeling-cold-but-hot-or-whatever-it-is feeling.
What a great way to do my work.
Well, better get on with it.
And also, thanks for all the wishes.
(1:12 AM)
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Got some serious slugfest to do tomorrow.
But however...
I'm having the usual symptoms of fever.
Out of all days, tomorrow...
Well, the thing that worries me is that i got to kill a mosquitoe that bit me last night.
Well, yay. Victory.
But the victory cry didn't last.
The mosquitoe...
An Aedes bugger.
Blardi shit.
IF i were to get the dengue fever (touching wood), i'm sooo gonna get left behind.
And also gonna waste precious time in the ward.
And that's sooo not cool.
Let's just hope it's just normal fever.
Well, had Anti-drug abuse day thingy just now.
Could say it was fun.
And quick.
Amirun was over at Melaka at the last minute.
Well, not really last minute lah.
Like, last 2 or 3 minutes.
Urm, back to the story.
So, my group's suppose to have 4 people.
Amirun's overseas. One claims to be going overseas. The other one didn't turn up.
So, it was initially me alone.
But Shah helped.
So, off to lavender.
On the way, had to evacuate a train.
Think that there was a gas leakage.
There was a smell, and Shah saw the fumes.
So, had to squeeze into the next train.
Reached there.
Was quite okay lah.
Finished the 3 bags of wristbands in about half an hour or 45 minutes.
Considered fast.
So, after that, ate at Long John's of City Hall.
Oh yeah.
PS: ayooo fatin... he like you! XD
So, after eating there, went straight back home.
Forgotten to get strepsils.
So, gotta bear with it.
Well, my brothers ain't gonna be home tonight.
So, it's me and my parents.
And me alone in my room.
Hey, i'm not the scaredy cat here.
It's my room.
Even if you ever try overnighting in my room with someone else you could get a chance to get scared.
So, most probably be sleeping in the living room.
Gonna watch some soccer anyways.
So, IF i'm gonna be sick, i won't be going to school on monday.
Which buys me more time for my unfinished work.
That is if i am even able to ignite my brains.
And gonna make I/C this monday.
And here comes the most stressful part.
How should i do my hair?
Should i get it trim?
Should i not?
Can't afford to get an I/C with the face of a doofuz.
Well, i'll think about it.
(6:47 AM)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Went for band practice today.
So so.
Didn't do much actually.
After that, did my history homework.
Well, at least we tried.
But within 2 hours of hard work, only managed to only make a mind-map of a sub-topic.
And we have 4 chapters to do.
Die lah like this.
Well, better ditch that one and do the rest first.
(4:51 AM)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Went swimming this morning.
Been a while since i a swim.
Well, even though this sounds pretty much stupid...
And makes me a wimp...
I still can't float.
Yeah yeah...
I tried just now.
Can a lil bit lah.
Never mind.
I shall keep practicing!
Urm, if i ever get to find the time that is.
I definitely can't use anymore of my holdidays to spend too much time on leisure.
Still got loads of work.
These A Math chapters are giving me fatique to the brain.
Talk about mental injury.
Back to the pool.
Well, there were these 3 or 4 chicks at the pool.
Damn they look good.
Well, not as in perfectly good, but good enough.
According to Shah they are Indonesians.
Well, could agree a lil.
So, nothing else to say.
(1:05 AM)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Went to school this morning.
Tiara bought for me a cool t-shirt when she was in Bangkok.
The front says "I'm with Stupid", pointing to the left.
Similar with the back part.
Again, thanks very much.
After that, went for lunch, well, second lunch, at McD's.
Then went home.
Cracked my brains finishing another chapter.
Surds and Indices.
Well, it's not hard lah, but just, urm, troublesome.
Took me 1 and a half day.
That's because i only did a lil yesterday.
Sounds shocking, but only 2 down.
5 more to go.
Like, i'm soooo dead.
I knew i should have forced my self to do more for the first 2 weeks.
Let's just pray hard.
(6:10 AM)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Woke up early today...
Of course lah...
Got Flag Day at 8.30am mah....
So, reached there at 8+am.
At first i didn't see anything outside the Hang Ten side.
Maybe it just missed my eyes or something.
So, went in to look for the registration booth inside.
Had to go in by the front door.
Saw Alvin and Greg eating breakfast.
Bla bla bla.
Decided to look for it again.
And there it was, right outside Hang Ten.
Well, i'm definitely not gonna tell a grandmother story of the whole thing.
I certainly happy that a cute chick donated.
But too bad she was with her family.
If she wasn't, i would have made a move or something. XD
I almost finished all 3 sheets of stickers.
But, got too tired.
And hungry.
So, we went for lunch at LJS.
Then i went home.
Fell asleep on my sofa.
Then went to the gym at 4pm.
Supposed to get out at 3.30pm.
But TV glued me there.
During my workout, decided to get a breather outside for a while.
Like, the air inside isn't so comfortable.
And it's damn freakin' cold.
I wouldn't hesitate if i really need to work out in winter clothes.
So, as i was hangin' around by the stair-cum-balcony, saw Shah stranded outside the pool entrance.
Haha. Was waiting for his mom or something.
So, went back in.
He then joined after a while.
After that, ate at LJS again.
Then went home.
Well, that's about it.
Gotta start worrying about my homework.
(6:23 AM)
Friday, June 09, 2006
Watched Benchwarmers yesterday.
Was funny.
Enjoyed it.
Ended the day with some LAN-gaming.
Today, nothing much.
Went to school in the morning to check on my group's crystals.
Well, the one we tried with the string failed.
Actually Amirun's had formed a lil.
Until we transferred into a new solution which was when it vanished.
Talk about the detergent.
But we still had the 5 seed crystals obtained from an earlier try.
They were put in a petri dish.
We chose to try and enlarge only 2.
The rest were 'preserved'.
After that, got home early.
Was hungry, made my self some instant noodles.
Bla bla bla, went to prayers.
After that, went to Helmi's.
Bla bla bla again, then went off to McD's of TMart for a quick late lunch.
Then went home.
I ate again.
Chicken chops.
Yeah baby.
If i ain't growing not even an inch, i don't know what else to say or do.
So, yeah.
Nothing much else to say or do.
(5:10 AM)
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Woke up kinda late today...
Woke up at about 8+am i think...
Was really tired out.
Don't know why.
Bla bla bla.
At about 11am, a hornet came into my room.
For God knows why.
And then followed by a small wasp.
Like, what the heck?
What's there in my room?
The hornet was only there for a few while.
But the wasp was really into my nerves.
From 11am, till 12+pm.
Like, i had to cautiously get the right time to get to my cupboard and my stuff.
Was very irritating i'd say.
I mean, i know i'm a guy, but bugs just kinda creep me out sometimes.
Laugh all you want.
Everyone's freaked out by some stuffs.
For me, its bugs and some insects.
But for me, these 'fear' is kinda interesting.
Cause i am supposed to be freaked out by what i'm supposed to be freaked out of, right?
But that doesn't happen when i'm with friends.
Let's say, creepy, scary moments.
If it was night, walking with my friends, in a dark park, i'd be walking in front, ensuring nothing pops out.
It's like, the thought of protecting my friends just kicks Mr. Fear out of my mind.
Very, very, interesting.
So anyways, after creeping behind the wasps which kept flying around my cupboard for, what seemed to me, nothing, to get my stuff, got ready and quickly went off to meet up with Syaf who was already waiting for me at GV.
Watched X-Men 3.
It was kinda cool and interesting.
According to Syaf, the storyline was a lil bit crappy.
But to me, it was awesome.
Poor ol' Scott.
Had only a few minutes of stardom.
I always knew these chicks can't be trusted.
There's bound to be something underneath that beautiful skin.
There just had to be a catch.
Crapping again.
So, after that, we went to Yamaha.
Actually, he went to Popular, i went to Yamaha.
Got myself some Lemon Oil and a new useful pick.
(PS: Don't know what lemone oil is used for? Just take it as cooking oil.)
The pick's gonna be handy for my alternate picking.
Cause i suck at it.
Also had a look at the new updates of the guitars.
Oh yeah. Regular customers, they're having a sale.
Looking at the bass guitars reminded me that i have to get one.
I really need one.
Then start off with YTSE Jam.
Har di har.
So anyways, after that, we got back home.
Damn my mom's
jempot-jempot udang (prawn, urm, fried delicacy thingy) tastes good.
Gotta go gobble down more of 'em!
(4:54 AM)